"The White Cook"
Powers & Abilities[]
Support Character (NPC)[]
- Lapwing. Vice head chef, had cooking skill on same level with Zazie. Black hair, green eyes, mellow and gentle manner. Excelled in land combat.
- Zazie. Vice head chef, had cooking skill on same level with Lapwing. Short red hair, brown eyes much more like and adventurer than a cook. Excelled in sea encounter.
- Bell & Shell. Two young girl (probably twins), who had very similar faces, horns on their heads, membranous wings on thei backs, and scaly tails poking out from under their clothes. Both had eyes deep red in color. Bell's silver hair covered the right half of her face, while Shell's black hair covered the left side of her face. Act as Waiters, did not excel in cooking but in terms of fighting power were both above Zazie and Lapwing.
- Jesta. Dwarf. Already dead because old age and disease. Act as caretaker at Celciutos.
Lapwing, Zazie, Bell & Shelli run a restaurant called "Shigureya Shop".